Our ART+ initiative makes art experiences accessible digitally and connects the collection to a variety of fields of study including art history, science, social studies, and language arts.
In this installment, we read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" from The Magic Carpet, as retold by author Ellen Douglass and illustrated by Walter Anderson.
"When I first saw Walter Anderson's fairy tale illustrations gathered together ..., I saw that Anderson was saying with his linoleum cuts the same thing I had been saying to myself about telling." – Ellen Douglass
Support the Museum by purchasing your copy of The Magic Carpet and other tales here.
Lesson Plans and Resources:
PRE-K LESSON: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Puppet Show
Includes instructions, coloring sheets, and excerpted story
Block Prints at the Brooklyn Museum
Archival Press Release from Anderson's 1949 exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum, in which his large scale linoleum blocks were introduced to the wider art world.
Mississippi state standards served include:
With guidance and support, retell familiar stories (from books, oral presentation, songs, plays) using diverse media (e.g., conversation, drama, props throughout the classroom, creative movement, art and creative writing).
With prompting and support, identify some characters, settings and/or major events in a story.